Read my story on "Recovered" blog
I finally (with assistance from the lovely Katy at "Recovered") wrote out my story which is now featured on the "Recovered" blog, a database of lots of recovery stories from people all over the world who have recovered.
I was really excited to add mine to the website and you can read it here
I think recovery stories are SO important - it's good to hear other people's experiences because they might say things that resonate with you and give you ideas of things you'd like to explore. But more than that, it's another reminder that other people have recovered. And if they have, so can you. It's why I keep sharing my own story, and why I think it's so important to have recovery stories on the podcast.
Jackie talks to Harry Boby
It was a pleasure speaking with Harry about all things Long Covid - my own recovery, a lot of the things I learned along the way as well as the work I'm doing now - helping people with Long Covid through the power of the breath (more info here)
We also take a deep dive into mental health, and it's importance alongside physical health. And more.
It turns out I have a lot to say, so please do pace your listening/watching if you need to.
Holistic Healing with Lorrie Podcast
I was super excited to be asked to be a guest on Lorrie River's podcast, alongside my Long Covid Breathing partner in crime, Vikki.
We talked about how our hormones affect our bodies at different stages of life, and how this impacts on other parts of our bodies - and how this relates to Long Covid.
You can hear the episode via the player, or by following this link.
**The Long Covid Podcast is separate to Long Covid Breathing - I wear 2 hats, one of which I share with Vikki**
Long Covid Breathing
Just wanting to draw your attention to the awesome work that Vikki and I are doing over at Long Covid Breathing
Our next courses start on 29/30th April and we have 4 different timezone options.
This is a 6 week, 12 session course where you will learn about functional breathing, self-regulation exercises & emergency exercises, all tailored to Long Covid.
Vikki & I have both agreed that this is the best thing we've ever done - and we'd be delighted to have you join us.
My first "Instagram Live"
It was super fun doing my first ever Instagram Live with Rachael from Rebound Athletic this week.
We chatted about breathing, incorporating breathing into movement & how important this is in any activity, and how to do this safely in Long Covid recovery.
Breathing is so important for everyone and it turns out I had a lot to say on this topic - so watch out for part 2 soon.
You can see the replay HERE
Bear with the echo at the start, it improves a few minutes in once we get headphones - I'll be better next time!!
Sharing some breathing tips for Long Covid
I was really happy to be asked back by Charlotte at "Living with MECFS" to share some breathing tips for those with Long Covid & MECFS.
As you probably know by now, breathing was a huge part of my recovery and I love sharing this with others.
View the video in the player, or here
More info about my breathing courses here
Long Covid Breathing workshop
Over at Long Covid Breathing HQ, Vikki & I were delighted to be asked by Oxygen Advantage to do a webinar on Breathing for Long Covid, which is of course our speciality!
The webinar was recorded and can be viewed in the player (to the right or below, depending on your device) or at the link here
Interview on Raelan Agle Youtube
It was such a pleasure catching up again with the amazing Raelan Agle and recording this video for her Youtube channel.
We discuss all things recovery, post-recovery and I get on my soap box about mental health (as usual).
You can hear me speak with Raelan on the podcast HERE if you missed it first time around :)
Video for "Living with ME/CFS"
I was really honoured to be asked by Charlotte to record this video for Living with ME/CFS about the 3 things that helped me the most in my recovery.
You can watch the video using the embed player or this link.
Advent calendars!
I'm not for a moment suggesting that you shouldn't be tucking into your chocolate advent calendar, if that's your thing. I can promise you that my chocolate advent calendar is one of the highlights of my morning!
But what you might also enjoy is these two offerings I've created. Let me tell you more.
Long Covid Breathing is something I have created, with Vikki Jones, to help people with Long Covid through the incredible power of the breath.
We have selected 24 of our favourite strategies (not all breathing-related!) and put them into an advent calendar. It was a lot of fun to make and hopefully helpful for you too.
You can see it by clicking the photo above, or THIS LINK
Cold water played a huge role in my recovery journey. Throughout December, in the run-up to Christmas, I'm going to take you on a virtual adventure to some of my favourite swimming/dunking spots, both during and post recovery.
I've shared some of the story around the location and where it fitted in my recovery in what I hope is an interesting narrative.
Click photo above or THIS LINK
Recovery interview with Positively Covid
The tables were turned yet again for me as I became the interviewee for the lovely Amy at Positively Covid about my Long Covid recovery.
I interviewed Amy a while back about her own recovery story, so it was lovely to let her return the favour, as well as to spend ages just catching up on life! You can hear the original interview here
Long Covid Breathing
As I've detailed in several of the episodes, breathing was the first thing - and one of the most important - that I found to help me on my Long Covid recovery journey.
I've joined together with Vikki Jones to bring you Breathing for Long Covid - courses specifically designed for people with Long Covid. We have taken the trial & error out of the equation and will teach you only the things that are appropriate for you - and how to know which ones to do, when & for how long.
You can find more information & sign up for our January courses here
And sign up for our free webinar on Dec 4th here
Long Covid Creativity 2023
Each year I do a Long Covid Creativity episode, to showcase the incredible creativity of those with long Covid & chronic illness. A real way of making something beautiful out of something horrible.
I have some exciting things lined up already for this year's episode - if you are a creative and would be interested in being part of this, then please let me know! You can contact me through the website (form at the bottom of the page), the email address to the left, or through socials.
Previous episodes here for reference:
Deadline - 4th Dec
New Interview - 14/11/23
The tables were turned and I was put on the other side of the microphone as Lorna interviewed me about my recovery for her channel recently.
Lorna and I first connected a few years ago, and you can see me put her through her paces in this episode if you'd like to know more about her story with PoTS.
It was lovely to reconnect - thanks Lorna!
This is now a news page!
This will absolutely include research studies - so if you are a researcher, or know of a research study that is currently recruiting - please do message me the link - you can use the "contact" form at the bottom of the webpage and I'll add it to the page.
If you see other exciting news or opportunities, then please send me them too.
Research Involvement
Have a listen to Jane Ormerod & Chris White from Long Covid Scotland chat about research involvement - how they have been getting involved and also the huge benefits to both parties of patients being involved in research.
If you are in Scotland, get in touch with Long Covid Scotland to get involved in their research group.
If you are in the rest of the UK, join the Facebook Research Involvement Group or get in touch via the Long Covid Support website
Elsewhere in the world? Get in touch and I'll direct you!
Current Research Studies
Please get in touch directly with the studies (or get in touch with me if you're stuck!)
Clinical Trial - La Jolla & Consuli
Clinical Trial for Long COVID with Neurological Symptoms
Location: La Jolla Institute for Immunology, San Diego, CA
More information HERE
Clinical trial of AXA1125
More information about the trial HERE
Clinical trial of AXA1125, a therapeutic for the restoration of mitochondrial dysfunction. This is related for Long Covid-related fatigue and PEM.
The trial is being run out of Oxford University Hospitals. They are still looking for participants.
They will do several scans on different organs too - which may be helpful for you for other reasons.
If you have diagnosed Long Covid and were NOT hospitalised and are interested - email
Long Covid & Women's reproductive health
Cognitive Linguistic Difficulties in adults with Long Covid
Louise Cummings is doing more research into adults with cognitive & linguistic difficulties and Long Covid.
This survey can be completed in 15 minutes by adult Long Covid sufferers in any country.
Long Covid Pacing Study
Using activity tracking and just-in-time messaging to help with Pacing
Information & ways to get in touch HERE
TraPSS - have you had a recent Positive test?
Both of these studies are featured on this episode of the podcast.
TraPSS - go to 4 minutes in
Pacing - go to 22 minutes
This study tracks symptoms following a positive test and will help to track symptoms, who gets Long Covid & lots of other useful information.
Get in touch HERE